7 tips to rank push in PUBG mobile in 7 days|| Platinum to Ace

7 tips to increase your rank in PUBG Mobile

Most of you must be wondering what you can do and how exactly you can work towards improving your rank. Following are tips you can follow to increase you rank as fast as possible in PUBG Mobile.

1. Decide which game mode you like the most and concentrate on increasing your rank in the preferred game mode

Since the rank displayed against your profile will be your best among all game modes, pick a mode you enjoy the most and watch your rank go up faster. If you’re used to playing different game modes randomly, you’ll see that you play for the entire day but still don’t see your rank increase.

2. It’s more important to survive for longer than it is to rack up kills

Your kill rating and your survival rating are the factors taken into account when you’re given a rank. However, it’s important to know that the kill rating only makes up about 20 per cent of the total points and a major chunk is made up by the the survival rating. So, it’s important to make it to the top 10 survivors even if you have fewer kills. You will score better if you survive to the top 10 and have only 3 kills then you would have if you died 50th and had 15 kills. Basically, play conservative and don’t go for more kills than necessary.

3. Always pick the safe zone over a kill

This is an extension of the previous point. Often, you’ll face a situation in the game where you’d be rushing towards the shrinking zone and spot someone running in front of you who is unaware of your presence. Typically, you’d wait and try killing the other player first before you get in the safe zone, right? Wrong! The simplest thing to do is avoid a confrontation, stay out of your enemy’s radar and try and make it to the safe zone as quickly as possible.

4. Damage is important

Support is an important criteria which is also taken in account when calculating the total survival rating. Most of the players are unaware on how to get a solid support ranking in game. Your support ranking increases proportionally with how much your character has healed in the game. So it is important to make sure you take some damage and heal back to full health frequently as it will help you with a good overall survival rating. If you haven’t seen many gun battles in game for a while you can take damage by falling from heights or being outside the zone and heal back with the help of bandages and painkillers.

5. Ratings ONLY from Classic mode games are considered

PUBG Mobile offers you two game modes to choose from. You can either chose to play the game in Arcade mode or Classic mode. If you spend most of your time playing Arcade mode games your ranking will not change. Try playing Classic mode games as much as you can as the ratings you gain in this game mode will be considered to calculate your rank. It is also advisable to play a game of Arcade game before you get into a Classic game as this helps you warm up.

6. Play the New map Sanhok as much as possible when it’s out

The Sanhok map which has already debuted on PUBG Mobile. This is a smaller map, only one quarter in size, compared to the conventional PUBG maps. Also, because the map is smaller, the time each game takes is shorter. A full game on Sanhok takes approximately 25 minutes and a game on the conventional maps take about 35 minutes. You’ll be able to play more matches on Sanhok over an hour or two than on the other two maps. This will help you gain the same ratings each match but will need you to spend 10 minutes less on each game.
7. Avoid playing with random players
This is a very important factor towards the push if you are planning to push in squad/duos. Mostly random players are not ver co-operatives with a few exceptions.They don't stick with you and don't respect your decisions and don't even converse which creates a communication error.Play with a mate with whom you play regularly who shares the loot and considers your ideas
